Unlock the Secret to Flawless Makeup Using Purely Organic Primer Base - Mamasjan
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Unlock the Secret to Flawless Makeup Using Purely Organic Primer Base

08 Apr 2023
Unlock the Secret to Flawless Makeup Using Purely Organic Primer Base - Mamasjan

A cosmetic substance used on the skin before foundation or concealer is called a makeup base, sometimes known as a primer. It most frequently has a clear, matte surface or very little tinge.

For foundation or other facial cosmetics to apply smoothly and remain longer, makeup primer is used. Moreover, primers can help minimize any small lines, wrinkles, or big pores.

Makeup primer blurs, conceals and evens out the texture of your skin. Face primers have advanced significantly in recent years as more and more individuals learn to appreciate their value and role in beauty. Therefore, it is impossible to undervalue their necessity. Consider face primers as a pivotal element that connects your skincare and makeup regimens. For instance, primers offer many of the same antioxidant advantages as vitamin C serums.

If there is any condition form given below you are facing, then you must use our Makeup Primer Base

  • Your makeup fades over the day.
  • When oily skin combines over the day, makeup will fall off.
  • While using foundation, dry, flaky, or even spotted skin is highlighted.
  • Using makeup makes pores and fine wrinkles more obvious.

What ChiltanPure's primer do for you

By putting a barrier between your skin and foundation, primers aid in creating the ideal base. It eliminates fine wrinkles, open pores, dry areas, imperfections, and uneven skin tones. Moreover, it reduces shine, prevents the foundation from running, and extends the wear time of your makeup.


Reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and pores

Reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and pores

Applying foundation or any other base can sit in those tiny wrinkles and make them more obvious if you have huge pores or deep lines in your skin, as you are likely aware from experience. Your base will be smooth and "primed" for your next coat of makeup thanks to the assistance of a primer. Remember that although primers conceal pores, they do not block them, making them appropriate for all skin types, including those with a history of acne.

Prevent shine

Prevent shine

Although everyone enjoys a healthy glow, people with oily skin can tell a dewy complexion from a greasy one. In these situations, a primer can help. Sebum, an oily material generated by your body's sebaceous glands, is the main factor behind problems with oily skin. When it interacts with liquids, like foundation, the formula is broken, leaving you with greasy skin areas that the makeup can't cover. A primer's attractiveness lies in its ability to minimize greasy sheen and absorb excess sebum, preventing oil from ruining the makeup. Although everyone enjoys a healthy glow, people with oily skin can tell a dewy complexion from a greasy one. In these situations, a primer can help. Sebum, an oily material generated by your body's sebaceous glands, is the main factor behind problems with oily skin. When it interacts with liquids, like foundation, the formula is broken, leaving you with greasy skin areas that the makeup can't cover. A primer's attractiveness lies in its ability to minimize greasy sheen and absorb excess sebum, preventing oil from ruining the makeup.

Seals Pores

The fact that a face primer plugs your pores is one of the key advantages of utilizing one. You probably know that using a liquid foundation may accentuate your pores, no matter how small. By sealing pores and forming a blanket over them, makeup primer takes care of all that.

Softens skin

The purpose of makeup primer is to soften your skin. It seems to soften it to the point of becoming silky, improving the smooth effects of your makeup.

Smoother Makeup

Smoother Makeup

Another advantage is the flawless appearance your makeup has as a result. Your entire face will resemble velvet if you use a beauty primer before applying makeup. If you become used to it, it's difficult to stop using it since these primers are seductive.

Non- comedogenic

Although not all, most cosmetic primers are non-comedogenic, so they won't irritate or cause acne on your face. For this reason, they also won't block pores; therefore, if you have acne or clogged pores on your skin, don't be concerned.



The ChiltanPure cosmetic foundation primer may contain chemicals that offer anti-aging qualities, unlike most makeup primers. Yet, because they reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles, they make your skin look much younger, give off a younger appearance, and lessen the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Reduce Redness

Reduce Redness

The fact that makeup primers lessen redness and won't irritate your skin is another advantage of utilizing them. These appear to assist, especially if you have redness difficulties.

For all skin types

The fact that makeup primers may be used on people of every skin tone and type is their strongest feature. Picking is simple because there are no colors to consider.

Easy makeup gliding

When you don't use a primer before your makeup, you will frequently discover that your skin feels scratchy. Applying your makeup doesn't seem right; it doesn't go on easily and effortlessly. A primer offers your skin a beautiful, silky feel before additional foundation products.

Stay for long

Do this! Use foundation or concealer without a primer on one side of your face. On the opposing side, put on a primer. The primed side will fade away later than the unprimed side, as you will see. With the help of primers, your makeup will remain longer by withstanding elements like heat and sweat.

Mattifies Oily Skin

Primers are a godsend for people with oily skin. No, please! Using primers cleans the skin's surface of any excess oil and forms a barrier that stops your pores from creating additional oil while the product is on. This primer enables your makeup to remain flawless and oil-free for a longer amount of time. Hence, bid farewell to glistening noon skin because your primer will take care of it.

How to apply

Step 1 is to wash and moisturize your face. You can use whichever sunscreen you choose to apply before primer.

Step 2 is to squeeze the primer onto the back of your hand, warm it up with your finger, and then apply it liberally to your face.

Step 3 Carefully massage the primer into the skin. Be sure to cover every part of your face, including the cheeks, nose, temples, forehead, and chin.

Step 4 Apply your foundation when the primer has had time to absorb.


What are makeup primers, and how do they work?

The purpose of makeup primers is to provide a basis for improved makeup adhesion. Even before applying your foundation, apply these primers as coatings on bare skin. There are powder, lotion, and gel versions of primers on the market. Primarily primers serve to shield your skin from the heavy makeup you apply.

What makeup primer color to use?

Both transparent and colored makeup primers are readily accessible. If your skin is clear and unblemished, clear primers might be helpful. The colored primers operate with an extremely logical logic. They employ the idea of a color wheel, where colors on one side of the wheel correlate to colors on the other side and vice versa. Hence, green primers work well to cover up skin redness. The skin's worn-out and unhealthful tones can be effectively neutralized by using blue cosmetic primers. Using a cosmetic primer that complements your skin tone would thus be beneficial.

Can a primer be used alone, without foundation?

Ideally, a foundation and primer should work well together. Use the primer and foundation to get a gorgeous appearance with a lot of makeup and want it to endure all day. The foundation evens the skin tone, while the primer serves as a basis. So, both are crucial. But you may also apply a primer on its own sans foundation.

Would using a primer extend the wear time of my makeup?

For at least eight hours, a good primer keeps makeup from smudging. Chiltan pure primer guarantees that makeup will stay on the face for a long time.

Do primers cause pore clogging? 

Primer for makeup contains silicon. The silicon contributes to a smooth appearance and improves the adhesion of the cosmetics. Yet, your skin may suffer if you consume too much silicon. It might go within the pores and block them. Hence, seek cosmetics primers with a reduced silicon concentration.

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