Note: Organic products can naturally attract bugs. To keep them away, tightly seal the jar after use and keep it in a cold, dry place.
ChiltanPure Fit Tea
Struggling with stubborn belly fat, a frustrating weight plateau, or feeling stuck in your fitness journey?
Chiltan Pure Fit Tea is the solution you’ve been searching for. Crafted with an expert blend of nature’s finest ingredients, this tea is designed to help you lose body fat, support your overall fitness goals, all in a natural, safe, and effective way.
Fit tea contains green tea, a powerful metabolism booster rich in antioxidants burns fat, particularly around the belly area, and improve insulin sensitivity. Orange peels are packed with vitamin C and fiber to aid digestion, reduce bloating, and detoxify the body. Mint leaves refresh the body, aids in digestion and reduces inflammation. Wild thyme is included for its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to promote better digestion and reduce bloating, supporting the body's natural detoxification process. Lemongrass, known for its diuretic and detoxifying properties, helps cleanse the digestive system, reduce water retention and bloating, and relieve stress. Lemon peel, rich in pectin and vitamin C, supports digestion, reduces fat accumulation, and boosts the immune system with its natural fat-burning properties.
Brew it in hot, boiling water and let it rest for two minutes until it changes color. Moreover, add a few lemon drops or mint leaves to enhance its flavor. Usually, it is consumed half an hour after food. Consume three to four times in a day and drink plenty of distilled water to flush out toxins and stay fit and healthy.
silam tea / slimfit tea